turn off pms


Turn off private messages on Discord

Every time you join a new Discord, turn off your PMs, otherwise you'll get tons of scams!
NEVER trust PMs!

buy at mint


Buy at mint if possible

Minting NFTs on good project is worth it. If they sell out, the price will likely be higher on Opensea right after.

check gas


Check gas fees to find the optimal time to buy

While you may not be able to control gas fees when there's a launch, you can optimize your purchases on Opensea and buy when gas if low. It'll save you some money!

huge launches


Sometimes better to avoid huge launches and buy on OS instead

Welcome to the gas fee war for big projects.
If you buy right after the launch on OS, you'll avoid the risk that your transaction fails to lead you to lose gas fees.



FOMO is real!

NFTs are super addictive and fear of missing out often occurs. Do your research and take a deep breath! Don't forget that if it's not this project there'll be another one around the corner.

failed project


If a project doesn't sell out it will likely fail

No matter how good a project is, if it doesn't manage to sell out there's a high risk of failure.
If you have a doubt, check the smart contract on Etherscan to see the velocity of the minting and how much is left.

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